List of Family Values to Consider

I borrowed (aka: stole) most of this list from James Clear who generated his list from an organization called The LeaderShape Institute. I’m going to bold ten values that, as I sit here today, I think I would like to pass down to my children. You may decide that you want to focus on other values. And that’s okay.

I may even ultimately decide to emphasize fewer than ten. After all, focusing on too many things at once is pretty much the definition of being unfocused. It would be nice to boil it down to one overarching motto. For instance, my high school’s motto was “Commitment to Excellence.” It reminded us to do our best at whatever we did. My university’s motto was “The World is our Campus.” This motto reminds us to always be learning. Maybe through this exercise, my wife and I will develop a family motto that we want to instill in our children.

We probably should have done so long ago. But, oh well. The next best option is now.

The List

  1. Authenticity
  2. Achievement
  3. Adventure
  4. Authority
  5. Autonomy
  6. Balance
  7. Beauty
  8. Boldness
  9. Compassion
  10. Challenge
  11. Citizenship
  12. Community
  13. Competency
  14. Contribution
  15. Control
  16. Creativity
  17. Curiosity
  18. Determination
  19. Fairness
  20. Faith
  21. Fame
  22. Forgiveness
  23. Friendships
  24. Fun
  25. Growth
  26. Happiness
  27. Honesty
  28. Humor
  29. Influence
  30. Inner Harmony
  31. Integrity
  32. Justice
  33. Kindness
  34. Knowledge
  35. Leadership
  36. Learning
  37. Love
  38. Loyalty
  39. Meaningful Work
  40. Openness
  41. Optimism
  42. Peace
  43. Pleasure
  44. Poise
  45. Popularity
  46. Present
  47. Recognition
  48. Religion
  49. Reputation
  50. Respect
  51. Responsibility
  52. Security
  53. Self-Respect
  54. Service
  55. Spirituality
  56. Stability
  57. Success
  58. Status
  59. Trustworthiness
  60. Wealth
  61. Wisdom

What am I going to do with this list?

I’m going to review these values with my kids. We have something we call “Family Home Evening” every Monday. That’s where we gather together to discuss family business and share life lessons. As I review these values, I will try to put together some lessons on them. If you see hyperlinks, those will go to the points in my lessons. (If you don’t see hyperlinks, you can assume that I either didn’t get around to teaching these things to my kids or I didn’t get around to posting about them.)

To start, I will review this list with them and have them select 10 values that stand out to them and their top 3. My hope is that doing so will be a good introduction to discussing values.

Here is a downloadable copy of the list I will use:

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