99 Hobbies Your Kids Might Want to Try (other than video games)

If you’re raising kids in today’s world, you’re probably concerned about time spent on video games and phones. While I’m personally a fan of video games and my phone (where I watch way too much YouTube), I don’t want my kids to spend too much time on these things. Or, even more so, I don’t like that so much of their mental energy is spent on devices. If they are not on them, they are counting down the time until they can get on them again.

My opinion is that it is easy to get sucked into phones and video games because they are so accessible and so low-effort. A new word I learned from Disney is “ennui,” which is “a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.” In my experience, being in a virtual world may mask ennui but does not provide the satisfaction of actual, real-world accomplishment. I want my kids to enjoy video games (I do), but I also want them to explore other things.

So, with that in mind, I put together a list of hobbies or activities that my kids might be interested in trying (using ChatGPT but I did review and modify it some). My plan is to review this list with them and select a few things they might want to try this year — especially in the summer. Maybe your kids might find something here too.

Arts and Crafts:

  1. Drawing
  2. Painting
  3. Sculpting with clay
  4. Origami
  5. Calligraphy
  6. Photography
  7. Videography
  8. Knitting
  9. Crocheting
  10. Sewing
  11. Pottery
  12. Jewelry making
  13. Candle making
  14. Tie-dyeing
  15. Flip books

Performing Arts:

  1. Playing a musical instrument (e.g., piano, guitar, violin)
  2. Singing
  3. Dancing (e.g., ballet, hip-hop, salsa)
  4. Acting
  5. Puppetry
  6. Stand-up comedy
  7. Improvisational theater
  8. Clowning
  9. Storytelling
  10. Magic tricks

Writing and Language:

  1. Writing stories
  2. Poetry writing
  3. Journaling
  4. Blogging
  5. Creative writing workshops
  6. Learning a new language
  7. Pen pal correspondence
  8. Writing letters to relatives or friends
  9. Writing and performing slam poetry
  10. Writing Comic Strips

Outdoor Activities:

  1. Gardening
  2. Birdwatching
  3. Astronomy
  4. Rock collecting
  5. Geocaching
  6. Metal detecting
  7. Hiking
  8. Camping
  9. Fishing
  10. Horseback riding
  11. Kayaking
  12. Canoeing
  13. Cycling
  14. Skateboarding
  15. Rollerblading
  16. Ice skating
  17. Snowboarding
  18. Surfing
  19. Archery
  20. Orienteering

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics):

  1. Coding
  2. Robotics
  3. Puzzle solving (e.g., jigsaw puzzles, Sudoku)
  4. Building model airplanes, cars, or ships
  5. Woodworking
  6. Experimenting with science kits (e.g., chemistry sets, electronics kits)
  7. DIY electronics projects
  8. Building and launching model rockets
  9. Building and programming robots
  10. Home science experiments
  11. Building and programming LEGO sets

Games and Sports:

  1. Board games
  2. Chess
  3. Card games (e.g., Uno, Go Fish)
  4. Role-playing games (e.g., Dungeons & Dragons)
  5. Team sports (e.g., soccer, basketball, baseball)
  6. Ultimate Frisbee
  7. Racket Sports (e.g., Tennis, Badminton, Pickleball, Racquetball)
  8. Table tennis
  9. Bowling
  10. Golf
  11. Martial arts
  12. Fencing
  13. Gymnastics


  1. Collecting stamps
  2. Collecting coins
  3. Collecting trading cards (e.g., Pokémon cards)
  4. Collecting action figures
  5. Collecting comic books
  6. Collecting rocks and minerals
  7. Collecting seashells
  8. Collecting antique toys
  9. Collecting keychains
  10. Collecting movie memorabilia

Mind and Body Wellness:

  1. Yoga
  2. Meditation
  3. Tai Chi
  4. Pilates
  5. Mindfulness exercises
  6. Breathing exercises
  7. Relaxation techniques
  8. Journaling gratitude
  9. Learning about nutrition and cooking
  10. Volunteering in the community (e.g., art committees, zoo programs, etc.)

If there’s a hobby or activity that you think I missed, let me know in the comments.

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